Rent a boat in Ithaca and explore all the hidden beauty of the Island! Ithacaboats.com offers a wide variety of motorboats and a RIB for rental covering all needs and preferences. Our aim is to provide comfort, enjoyment and fulfill all

May there be many summer mornings when, with what pleasure, what joy, you enter harbours you’re seeing for the first time. These lines were written by one of Greece’s most famous poets, C F Cavafy, who loved Ithaca so much,

A great experiance We rented a boat from vathy and all I have to say is that it was a great experience! We visit a lot of secluded beaches not accessible by road! And all the hidden coves! Thanx Stavros
No license required, easy to drive and ideal for couples, families and groups.
Renting a boat in Vathy Ithaca, will be one of the most enjoyable things you do on your holiday